[SCA-BMDL] A&S Night Thank Yous

Jennifer Strobel jstrobel at psc.edu
Wed Nov 16 09:45:13 EST 2005

I would like to thank Professor Beranek for her incredible talk on Dutch
History , the visual language of Dutch art, and for taking the time to
develop a short lecture for us.

I would also like to thank James Allyn, Cai or Llyn, Helewys, Clemente de
Warrewyk, Kieran MacRae, Anlaith, Cadell Blaidd du, and Blausa Korsakova
for attending.

The next A&S Night is a Judging Workshop and i'm looking for volunteers.
Please let me know if you would be interested/available.

Thank you to all of you, and I hope to see you next month!


"Do not dismiss the dish saying that it is just, simply food. The blessed thing is an entire civilization in itself!"
- Abdulhak Sinasi

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