[PDL-readingGroup] Jump into the Summer Edition of the PDL Reading Group!

Ziyue Qiu ziyueqiu at cs.cmu.edu
Mon Jun 5 17:33:21 EDT 2023

Hello everyone,

Firstly, thank you to each of you for joining the #reading-group channel.
Your enthusiasm and participation are the fuel that drives our reading

As we step into the summer edition, we have decided to carry forward the
traditions from the last Spring. As before, one of our group members will
lead our weekly meetings, and there will be dinner for everyone. The dinner
orders will be collected a day prior via a spreadsheet. *Our meeting will
be at CIC 2101 every Wed 5 - 6 pm, except June 28th, moving to 2201*.

We know this summer edition will be a smaller group but fear not! We plan
to compensate with abundant enthusiasm and *a fresh approach to selecting
our reading materials*.

Here are the criteria we will be using to select papers:

1) It has made a significant impact or has high importance (has won awards,
has dispelled myths, and so forth).
2) It contributes to our understanding of a particular concept, principle,
class of hardware, or relevant applications.
* We have provided examples
the tab 'paper list - filterable' for you to look at.

About our second point, we are introducing a new option to broaden our
perspectives. Instead of discussing one paper for the entire hour (of
course you can), we are also willing to see a one-hour *review of a
specific conference section (3-5 papers)*. Each paper would get 10-20
minutes of discussion time. For instance, there are relevant sessions in
FAST 23 <https://www.usenix.org/conference/fast23/technical-sessions> that
include topics like Coding and Cloud Storage, Key-Value Stores, File
Systems, Persistent Memory Systems, IO Stacks, etc.

In conclusion, we can't wait to start and are excited to see you ****
**** to present in our sessions.

We look forward to a summer full of insightful discussions and new learning!

Ziyue, Juncheng, Ankush
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