[PDL-readingGroup] The first PDL reading group is tomorrow

Juncheng Yang juncheny at andrew.cmu.edu
Wed Jan 25 13:59:55 EST 2023

Hi everyone, 
    This is a reminder that we will have our first reading group meeting tomorrow (Thursday) at 5-6 pm in CIC 2201. Ankush will present the paper and lead the discussion around "XRP: In-Kernel Storage Functions with eBPF”. 

    Remember to sign up for your slot at the following URL. Note that you do not have to pick the paper right now when you sign up. 
    We will use Happy Bellies to order food for tomorrow, and you can find the menu and restaurant in the following sheet. Please remember to fill in your dinner by the end of today. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yCOE59Pip3AEB2UumoXgMbUok6hNvxBpJ-xdCLBIyXA/edit?usp=sharing
(and be sure to choose spice level and any other special requirements if any are needed)


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