[PDL-readingGroup] Welcome to PDL Reading Group

Juncheng Yang juncheny at andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Jan 19 20:41:09 EST 2023

Hi everyone, 
     Thank you for filling out the survey for meeting time. With extensive help from Karen. We will meet weekly Thur 5-6 pm in CIC 2201 to present and discuss papers. Our first meeting will be on Jan 26, and Ankush has generously agreed to take the lead. 

Just to iterate from the previous email:
The goal of the reading group is to 
learn more broadly about systems research outside our own research areas; 
find new ideas through discussions or facilitate collaborations between students; 
provide one more forum (in addition to the PDL meeting) for students to chat and meet. 

We expect everyone attending the reading group to present once throughout the semester, please sign up for your slot at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/103p8eSt1gUR4OBqoviQgJMAJHdpIiPRvBXqgcnYTJ-k/edit#gid=0 
Please sign up as early as possible!
We have provided a list of papers that you may choose from, but you are not limited to the list. 

PDL has generously agreed to sponsor dinner for us (in the environment where CMU is cutting costs for such events), but food should not be the main reason you attend. 
We will use Happy Bellies to order food, see details 
There are two rules we need to follow
If you need dinner, please fill in the form by 11:59 pm Wednesday each week.
We need your help to make this privilege sustainable: please only order one dish and keep the cost reasonable. 

We are open to suggestions that can make the reading group more effective and better for everyone. Let us know if you have any thoughts. :) 

I look forward to the first presentation from Ankush and the full engagement from you all. 

Once again, I want to emphasize that the reading group is NOT a replacement for the PDL meeting, please attend the PDL meeting as usual. 

Juncheng & Ziyue
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