Could anyone give us a guide about how to use openslide to view WSI

David de Mena david.mena.exts at
Thu Mar 22 12:30:33 EDT 2018

Hi Mr Gong:

There is a python library base on openslide to create deepzoom images: Together with a openseadragon (or Googlemaps) JavaScript library you can navigate in the image with a level,x,y. 

In an European project called AIDPATH Public Health System of Andalusia have created a DICOM WSI converter/viewer based on this system. 


David de Mena García

Responsable de Proyectos de Innovación TIC / ICT Innovation Project Manager
Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía / Regional Ministry of Health
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> El 22 mar 2018, a las 15:51, Gong, Qi * <Qi.Gong at> escribió:
> Registration accuracy between whole slide images and glass slides in eeDAP workflow
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