Where can I find guidance on setting up an openslide dynamic tile server?

Benjamin Gilbert bgilbert at cs.cmu.edu
Fri Sep 18 22:52:50 EDT 2015

On 09/18/2015 02:21 PM, Rogers, David W wrote:
> Where can I find guidance on setting up an openslide dynamic tile
> server? I would prefer to stay in Windows Server Land, since I have more
> experience there.

Hi David,

Take a look at deepzoom_server.py and deepzoom_multiserver.py in the 
OpenSlide Python distribution.  They're intended as examples rather than 
complete applications, but are good enough for simple uses.  For testing 
purposes, you should just be able to install OpenSlide and OpenSlide 
Python (see http://openslide.org/docs/windows/) and run one of those 
scripts from the command line.

If you're looking to run them in production, we don't have actually have 
a lot of documentation.  There are a couple pages on the OpenSlide wiki 
that may help you.  Also, they're pretty ordinary Flask WSGI 
applications, so there should be plenty of deployment advice on the web. 
  (I usually run WSGI apps in gunicorn behind an nginx reverse proxy. 
The gunicorn documentation has reasonably good instructions for setting 
this up.)

--Benjamin Gilbert

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