how does openslide do image downsampling

石川 拓海 j7513606 at
Mon Jan 26 22:02:43 EST 2015

Hi Benjamin?,

Thanks for the help.

I'm using a NDPI format (Hamamatsu format) image. Does OpenSlide creates extra slide levels for this format?

If so, do you know how does libjpeg do image downsampling? Gaussian pyramid?


-- Takumi Ishikawa

>> I would like to know how Openslide do image downsampling.

> OpenSlide tries not to do any downsampling itself: it usually just
> returns the downsampled pixels already stored in the slide file.
> (Hamamatsu formats are an exception: OpenSlide sometimes creates extra
> slide levels using libjpeg's support for downsampling during JPEG decode.)

> Do you have a specific question?

> --Benjamin Gilbert

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