deepzoom level for c openslide library

Dmitry Fedorov fedorov at
Wed Apr 29 01:19:09 EDT 2015

Hi John,

Thank you for your very detailed answer. It seems that vips can do exactly
what I needed. You have also preempted most of my questions, but managed to
generate a few new ones on my side:) Since I have you on the line here:

1) Is it possible to work with many channels (say 30) in VImage.

2) What is the underlying memory storage layout? Are channels interleaved
or separated in memory? Are you using row wise storage?

3) Is it possible to get a pointer access to the underlying image data?

4) Is it possible to define an interpolation algorithm used to generate
"virtual" levels?

I should have looked at the docs and sources I know, but since you were
kind enough to help:) I'm asking this since I started thinking of writing a
simple shallow wrapper between libbioimage and vips and exposing vpis
images to libbioimage and vice versa. I could then easily use vips to load
those tiles without much overhead.



Dmitry Fedorov Levit <dima at>

Center for Bio-Image Informatics:

Vision Research Lab, Electrical and Computer Engineering:

University of California, Santa Barbara
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