deepzoom level for c openslide library

jcupitt at jcupitt at
Tue Apr 28 07:29:41 EDT 2015

> On 28 April 2015 at 04:11, Dmitry Fedorov <fedorov at> wrote:
>> My novice and simple question is whether you guys have a c++ layer similar
>> to deepzoom I could promptly use. Reiterating, I would simply want to fetch
>> a tile of a given size at a given resolution level. Would Vips library
>> provide that layer?

I meant to say, I wrote a tiny fastcgi tile server:

It might be useful. It's a simple fastcgi thing in C to serve tiles
from openslide-supported slides to deepzoom viewers. It uses vips to
generate any missing layers. It does some caching, but you could add
quite a bit more. It'd be easy to add any extra processing you need.

Of course you can also generate the complete pyramids in advance, vips
dzsave is fairly quick.


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