Hamamatsu NDPI support added

Benjamin Gilbert bgilbert at cs.cmu.edu
Wed Oct 23 00:23:21 EDT 2013

On 10/22/2013 03:34 PM, Alvaro Gonzalez wrote:
> I have access to several image samples from Hamamatsu, if needed.

Those would be helpful.  If you're able to post them publicly, that 
would be great.  If not, can you send them to me privately?

> I'm no developer but I can test as needed any new features that need to
> be tested.

Thanks for the offer; I'll keep you in mind.

If you want to track the status of multiple focal plane support, you can 
subscribe to issue 31:


The API issue is a significant one, so any news will likely be announced 
on the mailing list as well.

--Benjamin Gilbert

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