Compiling With Microsoft Compiler

Derek Magee D.R.Magee at
Tue Apr 9 12:58:14 EDT 2013

On 09/04/2013 17:00, openslide-users-request at wrote:
> On 04/03/2013 07:55 AM, Derek Magee wrote:
>> You need to use the linker option /OPT:NOREF
>> (linker->optimisation->References in the GUI settings), which means
>> uncalled references are not optimised out of the code.
> Thanks for the report.  It turns out that the import libraries generated
> by MinGW aren't completely compatible with MSVC:
> We should be able to work around this by mangling member names in the
> import library after it's generated.  Does this build fix the problem
> for you?
> --Benjamin Gilbert
That works great thanks. On another note, the microsoft compiler doesn't 
have stdbool.h (at least not if compiling for c++). As it's not actually 
needed (bool, true and false are define by default) I've just been 
putting an empty file called stdbool.h in the include directory to get 
rid of the compiler warning relating to openslide.h including this.


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