Openlayers / Deepzoom format

Alvaro Gonzalez agonzalez at
Wed Oct 3 06:34:39 EDT 2012

El 03/10/12 12:05, PD Dr. M. Weihrauch escribió:
> Our requirements are:
> 1. for the client:
> a) javascript/ajax (no flash)
> b) Possibility for annotations (pathology/hematology) or annotation
> layers, which would be more helpful for teaching purposes
> c) reads deepzoom-format of the tiles (or works together with untiled
> images on the server?!)
> d) redistributable license
You can meet everything but the annotations with iipmooviewer. Maybe you 
can extend it.
I've been debugging some javascript problems with the help of Ruven ( ) and now the git version for iipmooviewer 
works beautifully with DeepZoom images, and is smooth as hell also in 
iPads and mobile browsers.

> 2. for the server:
> a) we have few images (e. g. around 200), each appr. 70,000x70,000px,
> but all in SVS format (Aperio)
> b) we'll have a lot of traffic (e. g. 200 simultaneous users browsing
> the images)
> c) Windows based (I know, you'll probably all cry foul, but we develop
> the login/logout/server architecture on .NET)
Ouch ;)
If you go the way of iipmooviewer the CPU load won't be high, as it 
serves plain static files, but I would recommend a Varnish cache in 
front if you have any problems, Microsoft IIS isn't as fast as other web 
servers for serving static files.

If you're restricted to IIS, I would check this:

If the simultaneous access doesn't congregate to certain images ( i.e. 
it's an online elearning system and most of the people is checking the 
same images) but is distributed between all images, caching is going to 
be a bit more difficult, and I would recommend, also, serving the files 
from an SSD or a 2 or 3 drives fast RAID which isn't shared with the 
rest of the OS or another sites, as it's going to be hit with a lot of IO.
> Because of 1), we chose openlayers. It does not create a beautiful user
> experience like sea-dragon, but is IMHO better supported and has the
> layers, which I find important for our purposes.
> Regarding 2): Because of John and Benjamins (and others I'm sure) great
> work, we can tile our SVS images into the deepzoom-format tiles.
Good luck!

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