Looking for Dicom-145 sample files

Yves Sucaet sucaet at histogenex.com
Tue Aug 7 07:38:37 EDT 2012

Dear list,

My team is wrapping up support for Leica's SCN format in OpenSlide, so I'm 
looking for our next hurdle to tackle.

 As CAP is embracing Dicom-145, it seems that this would be a good 
candidate for the next format to be added to OpenSlide. More info about 
this can be found e.g. at 
. Actual specs can be found at 
ftp://medical.nema.org/MEDICAL/Dicom/Final/sup145_ft.pdf . I'm not finding 
recent updates on this though. Has Workgroup 26 met already this year? Not 
according to http://medical.nema.org/DICOM/minutes/WG-26/. Then again, 
DPA-2012 is on their calendar and I definitely plan on attending their 
meetings (which are public).

I'm looking for sample Dicom-145 images, which are elusive to me so far. 
Plenty of CT, ultrasound et al. data available on various sites, but a 
WG26-folder e.g. on ftp://medical.nema.org/medical/dicom/DataSets/ doesn't 
even exist! 

Does anybody know of sample datasets or has any that they'd be willing to 
share with me for study?

Thanks in advance,

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