incompatible mirax files

Stefan König blogdde at
Tue Jan 25 02:49:03 EST 2011

now I'm back at my office.

the script will not work with python 3.1, 2.7 works fine (there are
major differences between this 2 versions)

i attached a slidedat.ini and the script output.


2011/1/22 Adam Goode <adam at>:
> Could you send me the slidedat.ini file? This might provide enough info to proceed.
> As for the Python thing, it is possible you have a too-old version of Python to run the script.
> Thanks,
> Adam
> On Jan 22, 2011, at 6:01, Stefan König <blogdde at> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've got a problem with OpenSlide again ;-)
>> I've got 2 sets of mirax files from one scanning device (maybe the
>> software of the device changed between the scans).
>> the newer files can be loaded by using OpenSlide perfectly, but the
>> files generated earlier can't be loaded.
>> openslide_can_open returns false for all of this files.
>> ( i tried to attach the output of this script:
>> but i'm using windows and perl recognizes an error in line 36)
>> C:\mirax>  "F:\--5.mrxs"
>>  File "C:\mirax\", line 36
>>    print '%7s %11s %10s %30d' % ('.','.','.', num_skipped)
>>                             ^
>> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>> I don't know if i'm using the scipt in a correct way, never worked
>> with python before.
>> Can someone help me?
>> best wishes
>> Stefan
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