
Kriti Chakdar kriti.piya at
Wed Jan 5 11:51:34 EST 2011


I'm using openslide
I have never worked with external libraries
and I'm having some problems

I have installed all the libraries( openslide, libjpeg, libtiff, openjpeg,
glib, cairo) from /usr/lib
and have all the .h files

now when I'm trying to run the test program by
cc -o test test.c

it is not able to find the include ed .h files
because they are not in the same location

config.h is in openlide-3.2.3

callgrind, openslide these are in openslide-3.2.3/src

cairo.h and etc are in their respective folders

Can you please help me
how to run the program

I need it urgently

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