NDPI File Format Support (produced by a Hamamatsu Nanozoomer Microscope)

TAE WOOK OH taewooko at gmail.com
Mon Aug 29 16:41:12 EDT 2011

Hi Openslide folks,

I am wondering whether openslide supports large size NDPI file format in the
near future.

We uses ndpitiler command to read and tile ndpi images. but, it is only
available to be operated on windows.

We need an API that enables to read and tile ndpi format images, but I
couldn't find anywhere.

I knew that openslide supports api that able to read and leverage svs format

but, I am curious whether openslide supports ndpi file format in the near

The ndpi imaging API is an urgent requirement for current projects.

So, it would be great if you guys develop this feature as soon as possible,

and let me know your agenda or plan for this issue if you have.

Thanks for your response in advance.

ps. I posted same question for a couple of days ago.
and it seems that nobody answer this question.
Please, let me know if you guys know contact information about current
working group of this issue.

Steve Oh

Tae Wook (Steve) Oh

Intern for advanced biomedical database
Research & development
Center for Comprehensive Informatics
Emory University

Email: TOH3 at emory.edu, taewooko at gmail.com
Web: student.gsu.edu/~toh2 <http://student.gsu.edu/%7Etoh2>
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