Artefacts in non Level 0 layers (mirax)

Adam Goode adam at
Sat Apr 2 11:57:18 EDT 2011

Also, are your issues with level 0 as well, or just level 1 and above?


2011/4/1 Adam Goode <adam at>:
> Interesting. Perhaps we are closer to figuring this out now. There is
> a new release coming in a few days (hopefully), so we'll see if that
> causes any changes as well.
> Adam
> 2011/4/1 Stefan König <blogdde at>:
>> Hello,
>> since the new version was released the amount of artefacts increased
>> dramatically, before the "artefact" was just in layer 1, now i'm
>> getting artefacts in allmost every layer.
>> (
>> greetings
>> Stefan
>> 2011/1/19 Stefan König <blogdde at>:
>>> Hello,
>>> i'm using OpenSlide to read some Mirax files from disk. If i zoom out
>>> to layer 1 or 2 i get some artefacts inside the region.
>>> the same region in layer0 is without any kind of artefacts and interferences.
>>> i uploaded 2 images to illustrate the problem:
>>> (layer0)
>>> (same region in layer1)
>>> someone a idea how to fix it?
>>>  kind regards
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