[SIMSOC] Last Call For Papers: Advances in Computer Simulation @ ACM SAC 2008

Ana Bazzan bazzan at INF.UFRGS.BR
Sat Aug 25 04:37:27 EDT 2007

Track: Advances in Computer Simulation

The 23rd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SIGAPP)
March 16 – 20, 2008, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil

Ana Bazzan (bazzan [ at > ufrgs.br)
Giuseppe Vizzari (viz [at > disco.unimib.it)

Call For Papers

Scope and Aims:

Computer simulation approaches have established as fundamental conceptual
and practical instruments for the analysis of growingly complex systems,
both for industry and business applications as well as in the scientific
research context. Computational models and simulators are currently employed
in the most different application areas, ranging from urban modeling and
planning to logistics and production, from biology to social sciences.
Consequently, the adopted modeling approaches and methodologies, as well as
simulation project life-cycles, techniques for the evaluation and
interpretation of simulation results are often very distant.

This track at ACM SAC aims to provide a forum for the discussion of results
and relevant research advances on the topic of computer simulation,
fostering thus interdisciplinary discussion and cross fertilization of the
involved disciplines and application areas.  It is intended to facilitate
the dissemination of theoretical advances in computer simulation, as well as
a vehicle for discussions about methodologies, models, tools, in several
application domains.

Content and Topics:

The track will consider both reports on practical results of computer
simulation experiences as well as recent research contributions.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    * Computational models for simulation (e.g. discrete event modeling,
      cellular automata, multi-agent systems, etc.)
    * Modeling and simulation methodologies
    * Simulation project life-cycle
    * Modeling and simulation languages, platforms and tools
    * Tools and methodologies for large-scale simulation
    * Case studies and applications in domains such as:  simulation of
      human and social dynamic, technological innovation, military
      applications, industrial engineering, manufacturing, supply chain
      management, virtual reality and visualization, forecasting, etc.

Important dates

    * Sept. 8, 2007: Paper submissions
    * Oct. 16, 2007: Author notification
    * Oct. 30, 2007: Camera-Ready Copy

Some journals related to simulation as well as agent-based simulation
and complex systems are being contacted regarding publication of
extended versions of selected papers as post-proceedings.

Submission Guidelines

A paper cannot be submitted to more than one track. Authors are invited to
submit original papers in any of the areas listed above. Submissions must be
original, unpublished and not currently under review by workshops,
conferences, or journals. All papers should be submitted online at

Authors should pay particular attention to the following guidelines:

    * In order to facilitate blind review, the name(s) and address(es)
      of the author(s) must not appear in the body of the paper
    * Papers should not exceed 4000 words
    * Authors should submit a separate cover sheet attached for each
      paper that includes the title of the paper, the name(s),
      affiliation(s), address(es), email(s), phone(s), and fax number(s)
      of the author(s)

Papers must be formatted according to the template which can be now
downloaded from the SAC 2008 website
(http://www.acm.org/conferences/sac/sac2008/downloads08.htm), and their size
should be limited to around 4000 words. The total number of pages per paper
is five; additional pages (maximum three) may be included for an additional
fee. All accepted papers will be published in the annual conference
proceedings and will be available at the conference.

Program Committee:

    * Rafael Bordini  - University of Durham - UK
    * Charlotte Bruun - Aalborg University - Denmark
    * Paul Davidsson - Blekinge Institute of Technology - Sweden
    * Giovanna Di Marzo Seruguendo - University of London - UK
    * Jan Dijkstra - Eindhoven University of Technology - Netherlands
    * Giorgio Fagiolo, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy
    * Xiaolin Hu, Georgia State University, USA
    * Franziska Klügl - University of Würzburg - Germany
    * Markus Knoflacher - ARC systems research - Austria
    * Fabien Michel - Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne - France
    * Kai Nagel - Technische Universität Berlin - Germany
    * Akira Namatame - National Defense Academy of Japan, Japan
    * Andreas Pyka - University of Bremen - Germany
    * Rosaldo Rossetti - University of Porto - Portugal
    * Keith Sawyer - Washington University - USA
    * Andreas Schadschneider -  University of Cologne - Germany
    * Jaime Simão Sichman - University of São Paulo - Brazil
    * Flavio Soares Correa Da Silva - University of São Paulo - Brazil
    * Adelinde Uhrmacher - University of Rostock - Germany
    * Gabriel Wainer - Carleton University - Canada
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