[944] Midterm scores

Gautam Iyer gi1242+944 at cmu.edu
Tue Feb 14 00:09:37 EST 2017

Hi All,

Your midterm is now graded, and your score should be available on
blackboard shortly.

The "curve" for this midterm was roughly a straight line:

    26: A- (57 students)
    20: B- (33 students)
    14: C- (10 students)
    08: D- (4 students)
    00: F  (1 student)
In addition, 19 students got a perfect score, which earned an A+.
Overall I think the performance was very good, and I'm very happy to see
so many of you do well!

To see your midterms:

    1. I will leave the Pittsburgh students in Jessica Bittel's office,
       and send the NY/remote students midterms to Diffy. You may see
       your midterm in their office. If you take the midterm away from
       their office, you may not request regrading of any problems.

    2. Regrading questions: If you believe a particular question has
       been graded incorrectly, then please leave a post-it note on the
       front of the exam indicating which question you want re-graded,
       and tell Jessica/Diffy. We will have the grade crossed out, and
       then independently regrade that question. The new grade will
       replace your old grade, even if it is lower. I strongly recommend
       you read and understand the solutions posted online before
       requesting regrades of anything.
Please note, that when re-grading, we will only regrade what is written
on the exam and will not accept any additional verbal / email
explanation regarding your midterm solution.



PS: Also, HW5 is online.

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Tech: Yes.
Customer: My computer isn't working now.
Tech: Yes, you said that.

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