[944] HW typo / questions

Gautam Iyer gi1242+944 at cmu.edu
Tue Feb 7 21:45:06 EST 2017

Hi Guys,

My email exploded: I have more emails (both on and off list) than I can
possibly respond to before your **MIDTERM**.

NY/remote students: Apologies, I was swarmed during office hours and
couldn't respond to any email / calls. In future, I'll see if I can
arrange something. (Usually Praveen runs a review session before exams
so perhaps we can have him run an office hour as well, and or arrange
his trip closer to the exam.)

HW4 Q2(b) and (c): you need the multidimensional Itô formula or the
product rule to do these. I forgot that you don't know these yet when
writing the problem. My apologies -- skip these two parts for now, and
we'll return to it in a few weeks.

Math questions: Feel free to keep emailing the list. I'd suggest
starting your email with "Hi Everybody," instead of "Hi Professor" and
hope someone else from class, or your TA's manage to respond... It might
be some time before I get caught up.

Good luck tomorrow,


Linux: Because rebooting is for adding new hardware.

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