LDAP auth and ptloader

Sven Schwedas sven.schwedas at tao.at
Tue Apr 23 05:45:55 EDT 2019

I'm trying to set up direct LDAP auth via auth_meth=pts, but on start I
always get "ptload(): can't connect to ptloader server: No such file or
directory" as error. The directory for ptloader_sock exists and is the
same as for all other sockets, so there shouldn't be any permission
problems with the socket.

I suppose I need to somehow manually start up ptloader via cyrus.conf,
but there's no documentation and nothing I can find in the mailing list
archives as to *how*? What am I missing?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, / Best Regards,
Sven Schwedas, Systemadministrator
✉ sven.schwedas at tao.at | ☎ +43 680 301 7167
TAO Digital   | Teil der TAO Beratungs- & Management GmbH
Lendplatz 45  | FN 213999f/Klagenfurt, FB-Gericht Villach
A8020 Graz    | https://www.tao-digital.at

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