Initial use of Xapian

Lists Nethead lists at
Thu Feb 15 12:02:14 EST 2018

Quoting Nic Bernstein <nic at>:


> Per,
> I've created an issue #2248 for this on GitHub, and have just  
> created PR #2249 which addresses it.  Thanks for your feedback.
> As for the FreeBSD path changing issues, that's up to the package  
> creator.  Please let them know.
> Cheers,
>     -nic
> 1:
> 2:


Some more observations,

- When placed in START section, "squatter cmd="squatter -R -n  
squatter", the process does the log and then just vanishes and does  
nothing more while the "squatter" log just grows.

- When under DAEMON with the -d option added to the above, it keeps running.

Is this the expected behaviour?

Further, while poking around, I found in cyrusdb_lmdb.c:
"cryusdb_lmdb(%s): %s", db->fname, mdb_strerror(mr));
which presumably is a speling error :-)

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