3.0.0-beta1 delivers mails but doesn't list mailboxes

Paolo Cravero paolo.cravero at csi.it
Fri Sep 4 03:04:04 EDT 2015


> Try lm user/me *

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work. I tried sereral combinations, some
pseudorandom as well. #1 and #4 should return something, at least they do in
2.4. #2 and #3 follow the pattern you suggested, but nothing.

Should I follow a different rule for creating mailboxes from cyradm? 

tst-msg03.csi.it> lm user/*
tst-msg03.csi.it> lm user/un*   #1
tst-msg03.csi.it> lm user/un * #2
tst-msg03.csi.it> lm uno*
tst-msg03.csi.it> lm uno *
tst-msg03.csi.it> lm user/me * #3
tst-msg03.csi.it> lm user/me* #4
tst-msg03.csi.it> lm user/cyrusadmin
tst-msg03.csi.it> lm user/cyrusadmin *
tst-msg03.csi.it> lm oxcyrus *
tst-msg03.csi.it> lm user/csi.it *
tst-msg03.csi.it> lm user.me *
tst-msg03.csi.it> lm user.uno *
tst-msg03.csi.it> lm user.me*
tst-msg03.csi.it> lm user.cyrusadmin
tst-msg03.csi.it> version
name       : Cyrus IMAPD
version    : 3.0.0-beta1 5e06a05d 2015-08-04
vendor     : Project Cyrus
support-url: http://www.cyrusimap.org
os         : Linux
os-version : 2.6.32-504.el6.x86_64
environment: Built w/Cyrus SASL 2.1.23
             Running w/Cyrus SASL 2.1.23
             Built w/zlib 1.2.3
             Running w/zlib 1.2.3
             CMU Sieve 2.4
             mmap = shared
             lock = fcntl
             nonblock = fcntl
             idle = idled

tst-msg03.csi.it> quit

And the content of mailboxes.db is:

# cyr_dbtool /var/lib/imap/mailboxes.db twoskip show
example.com!user.cyr3^test   %(A %(cyr3.test at example.com lrswipkxtecdan) P
maildata1 M 1441273381)
example.com!user.cyr3^test.Spam      %(A %(cyr3.test at example.com lrswipted
anyone p) P maildata1 M 1441273381)
example.com!user.cyr3^test.Trash     %(A %(cyr3.test at example.com
lrswipkxtecdan) P maildata1 M 1441273381)
example.com!user.prova^prova %(A %(prova.prova at example.com lrswipkxtecdan) P
maildata1 M 1441273381)
example.com!user.strace^1    %(A %(strace.1 at example.com lrswipkxtecdan) P
maildata1 M 1441273381)
example.com!user.uno^archivio        %(A %(uno.archivio at example.com
lrswipkxtecdan) P maildata1 M 1441273381)
example.com!user.uno^archivio.Trash  %(A %(uno.archivio at example.com
lrswipkxtecdan) P maildata1 M 1441273381)
etc etc etc

Same result if I specify skiplist in place of twoskip.

> One day I will fix this so you see:
> * user/foo at domain.com
> * user/foo at domain.com/bar
> And at the same time I'm going to ban non-unixhierarchysep and also ban
> the non-alternate namespace. And the world will be a much nicer place.

I agree.

Please advise if this discussion should be moved to another list.

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