IMAP archive?

Dan White dwhite at
Thu Mar 5 10:02:21 EST 2015

On 03/05/15 13:53 +0100, Marco wrote:
>  I read in docs that with Cyrus-Imapd I can create a folder Archive
>with no quota for each user, using a dedicated partition.

Assuming you have a quota root set for each user's INBOX, you would need to
explicitly set a higher quota value for any such archive folder, if it
exists hierarchically underneath the INBOX.

>Is there a plan to provide also a mechanism that move old mails in
>Archive folder? Meantime, how can I move "old" mails to Archive folder
>automatically without using MUA tasks?

This would be best handled at the MUA level as there are no internal
solutions I'm aware of (like ipurge).

An imapsync script with --minage and --delete/--expunge should do the
trick, but would need to iterate over all your mailboxes.

>I would also to know limits of an IMAP archive solution.
>How does a slow partition with large amount of mails and folders
>impact in mailbox, indexes and whole server performances? In other
>words, does performances degrade only for Archive folder selection, or
>for all mailbox too?

Dan White

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