postfix-amavis-cyrus on multidomain ldap

Dan White dwhite at
Mon Aug 4 09:47:11 EDT 2014

On 08/04/14 11:42 +0200, Gabriele Bulfon wrote:
>I've been using postfix-amavis-cyrus for years, with normal passwd+aliases mode.
>We recently switched to virtual domains using ldap.
>Because we don't want to mantain a virtual mailbox map for postfix, we decided to have
>a vmailbox file like:
>@domain1 allow
>@domain2 allow
>and have cyrus detect wrong destinations, via ldap.
>What happens here, is that any quarantined mail by amavis (having very high score, that should
>not even be reconsidered once qurantined) get back to postfix in some way, devliered to cyrus,
>which in many cases is a wrong invented mailbox, so back to postfix wich sends back en error.
>This was not happening before: a quarantined mail by amavis would be just quarantined.
>No answer back. No delivery in the spam folder.
>So first, my question is: why the mail is being delivered to postfix even if it's quarantined and
>have a very high score?
>Last question is about configuring vmailbox to lookup ldap.
>I've seen many examples, but they all look for a single domain, while I have multiple domains
>both in cyrus,ldap and postfix.
>Exemples like this:
>server_host = localhost
>search_base = ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com
>version = 3
>scope = sub
>query_filter = (mail=%s)
>result_attribute = mail
>are for just the domain
>How should I write the vmailbox ldap file to query different domains?

That approach, even if properly configured, may still lead to accepting and
queueing messages for mailboxes that are over quota.

A better approach is to use Postfix policy script which can query mailbox
state before accepting the message, such as by communicating with the smmap

Dan White

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