Problem recover replica

Manel Gimeno Zaragozá magiza83 at
Thu Feb 2 10:13:10 EST 2012

> On Thu, Feb 02, 2012 at 01:11:24PM +0100, Manel Gimeno Zaragozá wrote:
> What version?

I'm running Cyrus 2.4.13.

> > Everything is working fine between Master & 
Replica until Replica goes down (maintenance or whatever). Once is down,
 in master there are still connections and modification. If I bring up 
Replica the changes made during the "blackout" are no fully transmitted 
to it. Some of the are transmitted, but not all.
> > 
> > Which is the best way to resincronize the missing parts to Replica? 
> sync_client -r -f $file for each file in the conf/sync/ directory.

I've been trying sync_client -r -f log-PID and it works. All the missing changes are applied 
without problem, I should do some script that controls this files and apply them.
anyway the log-PID is not deleted when its processed. I guess we should control the processed log-PIDs manually and move or delete them, am i right?

> > I was wordering to rsync imap folders 
(/var/spool/imap & /var/lib/imap), and It works fine in my test 
environment, but in produccion it could be GB to sincronize and I think 
this is not optimum.
> No, that's awful.  Don't do that.
 > Other option was "sync_client -l -u <all_user>" but I'm 
guessing that in production I will have the same problem due to the 
amount of data to sincronize.
> It's not too bad.  We run it occasionally if we suspect things have
> got confused for other reasons.

> > On the other hand, I have also doubts about how 
"sync_client -r" and "sync_server" are initiated. In my test machines I 
should run manually them each time I start cyrus-imapd, I though that it
 could be automatic one I start the service cyrus-imapd, but it is not.
> I have attached the script that we run.  It has lots of hooks into
> our own systems of course.
> I would LIKE to make something more generic that's part of Cyrus
> itself, rather than having external tooling.  Of course, our external
> tooling is a bit special-cased as well.  But at least having a basic
> "keep trying to replicate all the records" would be good.
> Bron.

Thanks for the response.


Manel Gimeno Zaragoza
magiza83 at

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