Fwd: Too many entries of mystore: reusing txn....
Andrew Morgan
morgan at orst.edu
Wed Dec 12 12:23:58 EST 2012
On Wed, 12 Dec 2012, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
> On Sun, 2012-12-09 at 10:49 +0530, Anant Athavale wrote:
>> As you say, the imap DEBUG logs are coming to maillog. RHEL 6.3 ships
>> with Rsyslogd and also it looks like cyrus-imapd is compiled to use
>> MAIL_LOG facility. (I tried local6.info /var/log/imapd.log. but it
>> did log anything in imapd.log ).
>> I am attaching rsyslog.conf (Not modified). What I ultimately want is
>> 'maillog should not contain imap logs. And imapd.log should contain
>> all logs related to cyrus/imapd with only info level logs. '
>> As I could not achieve it in short span of time, I have released the
>> system, but, would like to do that in near future. Any pointers to
>> achieve?
> Yes. Give up on syslog. Seriously. The model provided by syslog is
> very simplistic and kludgy. Just use syslog as a transport to get
> messages into an NMS, and sort, categorize, and record them there.
> We send all our syslog messages to ZenOSS. There syslog messages can be
> mapped into categories, prioritized [and discarded], recorded, viewed,
> and generate notifications. And you get a user interface to do it all
> in, and a coherent way to backup/restore all your machinations.
> Syslog messages from imapd have a tag of imapd, and messages from
> postfix have a tag of postfix, which is almost invisible in syslog
> itself. So you have the host of origin, the tag, the facility, and the
> level [and the text of the message] all to work with to categorize [and
> potentially discard] any way you want.
> Obviously you want to discard DEBUG messages as the syslog level - that
> is just too much noise for anything. But a decent host for you NMS can
> handle a surprising load of messages.
Just to add another thought here... You could use syslog-ng instead of
rsyslog. Syslog-ng has more advanced filtering capabilities than rsyslog,
and you can probably just drop-in replace rsyslog with syslog-ng.
However, I would not discourage you from looking at ZenOSS too. Syslog-ng
might be less work to implement if you do not need ZenOSS features.
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