RFC 5464 IMAP METADATA Extension Errata

kael ka-el at laposte.net
Thu Aug 9 15:48:46 EDT 2012

On 07/30/2012 03:07 AM, Greg Banks wrote:
> I should mention also that Bron has been talking for some time now about
> storing modseqs on per-message annotations as a way to make replication
> more efficient.  I think this is an excellent idea and is easy enough to
> do, because we have a good modseq counter with sensible semantics for
> the mailbox and could store it in the db in a semi backwards compatible
> manner, and the CONDSTORE rfc allows for servers to keep separate
> modseqs on any kind of per-message data.  Once we do that, it would be
> relatively easy to emit unsolicited ANNOTATION responses.
> It might be feasible to do similar things for per-mailbox annotations.
> But per-server annotations are...less obvious.

Well, at first glance and without knowing the Cyrus code and 
architecture, I'd say per-server METADATA could be treated as a mailbox 
ones, except the mailbox ID would be constructed with forbidden IMAP 
characters. But I may have missed something.


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