cascading (?) errors

brian cyrus-list at
Mon Nov 7 18:27:38 EST 2011

On 11-11-07 05:08 PM, Dan White wrote:
> On 07/11/11 15:57 -0500, brian wrote:
>> cyrus/lmtpunix[32055]: verify_user(REMOVED!user^admin) failed: Mailbox
>> does not exist
> Is 'admin' a cyrus or domain administrator? If so, do you have the same
> problem if it is not an administrator?

This is the admin for a website. Nothing to do with users on the server. 
The problem exists for several mailboxes. These are virtual mailboxes, 
no user accounts on the server itself, btw. Has worked flawlessly for 
several years.

> The!user^admin should be!user.admin I believe, so
> you appear to have ended up with a top level mailbox named
> 'user^admin at' rather than a user mailbox for
> 'admin at'.

Within cyradm, I use this syntax for creating a mailbox:

cm at

To create the new mailboxes (with dots in the name part) I had to turn 
on unixhierarchysep and use this form:

cm user/ at

It looks like changing unixhierarchysep to "yes" is the problem. But, as 
I understand it, it should be possible to have both somename at 
and at I thought that unixhierarchysep simply allows 
one to use the latter format, not force all the addresses to be as such. 
 From the page you linked to (which, btw, I'd read before making the 
imap.conf change):

"When the UNIX hierarchy convention is used, the "." character MAY be 
used in mailbox names, including user names."

So it wouldn't seem that this change would be breaking things for other 

... Except it does appear to be. But then I'm in over my head now so 
anything can start looking like a solution right now. Or another 
problem, as the case may be.

> It's probably most significant when an admin connects, which is one
> reason why it's not a good idea for admins to have their own mailboxes.

Yes, that bit me a few years back. But, again, the "admin" isn't the 
trouble, and other normal names are failing too.

>> Yikes! So it seems that I may have several different problems on my
>> hands. But does anyone recognise anything here that would cause all or
>> any of this to occur suddenly?
> A way to attack this piecemeal wise would be to create an email message and
> feed it to cyrdeliver directly, to rule out any problems with procmail.
> You can also dump your mailbox list with ctl_mboxlist, to see if you have
> any corruption corruption or unexpected output.

Thanks for the tips! I'll man up on those and check it out.


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