Backing up mailboxes

Joseph Brennan brennan at
Fri Jun 10 11:27:34 EDT 2011

--On Friday, June 10, 2011 10:03 -0500 Blake Hudson <blake at> wrote:

> Delayed
> delete/expunge serves this task better than frequent backups, but has
> the consequence of needing a lot more production storage - which is
> usually more expensive than backup storage.

It's the only way to restore ALL mail, since backups miss anything
that came and went between backups.

The additional storage is only for storing messages expunged in the
past N days.  A short 7 days meets most needs, and also, then your
backups would be complete.  Weigh the cost of disk space against the
staff cost of mounting backups, finding and copying data, and doing

Joseph Brennan
Columbia University Information Technology

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