messages in mailbox aren't visible

Bron Gondwana brong at
Tue Oct 12 18:48:14 EDT 2010

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 03:50:40PM -0500, Patrick Goetz wrote:
> On 10/12/2010 03:37 PM, Bron Gondwana wrote:
> >
> > The mailboxes database should be dumped before the option is changed,
> > removed, and then undumped after changing the option.
> >
> > Which kinda sucks really.  But the M I'm pasting from there is the
> > imapd.conf docs.
> Where be these elusive imapd.conf docs?  I just read through the 
> imapd.conf man page and couldn't find anything about this.

man imapd.conf on my machine gets:

    improved_mboxlist_sort: 0
        If enabled, a special comparator will be used which will correctly
        sort mailbox names that contain characters such as ' ' and '-'.

    Note that this option SHOULD NOT be changed  on  a  live  system.   The
    mailboxes  database  should  be  dumped  before  the option is changed,
    removed, and then undumped after changing the option.

> I have:
> pgoetz at www:~$ ls /usr/sbin/ctl*
> /usr/sbin/ctl_cyrusdb  /usr/sbin/ctl_deliver  /usr/sbin/ctl_mboxlist

ctl_mboxlist - perform operations on the mailbox list database

-d  Dump the contents of the database to standard output in a porta‐
    ble  flat-text  format.  NOTE: In Cyrus versions 2.2.13 and ear‐
    lier, the dump format did not include the  mailbox  type  flags,
    breaking  remote  mailboxes  (frontends, mupdate master, unified
    backends) when undumped.
> It doesn't look like any of these dump a database except perhaps
>     ctl_cyrusdb -c
> And it's not at all clear what settings would be changed if the database 
> is dumped ... to a plain text file?  CSV?  No mention of this on the 
> ctl_cyrsudb man page (or where the database is archived, for that matter).

"a portable flat-text format"[tm]


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