MIgrating from Cyrus 2.2 to 2.3 : extra numerical field in mailboxes DB

Wesley Craig wes at umich.edu
Wed Sep 23 11:05:57 EDT 2009

On 23 Sep 2009, at 10:19, Eric Luyten wrote:
> When dumping the resulting mailboxes DB on the Cyrus 2.3.15 system
> I noticed (for newly created mailboxes) an extra numerical field in
> position 2 (position 3 appears to be the partition number).
> Where is it used for ("reservations" ? Murder ?) and what is the best
> way of moving from the old to the new format ?

The new field is flags.  You should massage the old data into the new  
format, i.e., add that flag in.  I seem to recall that the backward  
compatibility in the new ctl_mboxlist -u code isn't prepared for the  
case where partitions names may be confused with flags.


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