cyrus - sieve returning some text with EVERY email received

Eddy Beliveau eddy.beliveau at
Thu Oct 22 10:26:03 EDT 2009


On our academic server, we are using cyrus 2.2.12 with CMU Sieve 2.2 and 
it works perfectly. Thanks. :-)

One of our user would like to return some text, for *every* email, that 
he received
"Hi, we just received your email. It will be process shortly. Thanks."

He tries to implement it with sieve 'vacation :days 1 ...'  but this 
only replies once per day at original sender.

He would like to reply to *all* messages

Can it be done ?
Any workaround ?

Thanks in advance

Eddy Beliveau
HEC Montreal
Montreal (Quebec)

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