Disable pop for some users

Roland B rbaum at nexplosion.de
Fri May 8 05:26:49 EDT 2009

You can make this by the following workaround:

starting imapd and pop3d with different imap.conf-files
within these different imapd.conf-files, you can make some appropriate settings 
to differ if the present user may use POP3/IMAP or not.

For myself, i did the authentication job against a PostgreSQL database with 
auxprop. There, it was easy to use two different sql-statements within these 
two imapd.conf-files to achieve exactly this :-)

On Freitag, 8. Mai 2009 10:56:12 Paul van der Vlis wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it possible to disable POP for some users, so they can only use IMAP?
> This to avoid the risk that people configure POP by mistake in their
> client, and download all mail.
> But other users still need POP...
> With regards,
> Paul van der Vlis.


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