Importing Mails without "to" header

Joseph Brennan brennan at
Fri Feb 15 14:44:58 EST 2008

--On Friday, February 15, 2008 5:18 PM +0000 Phil Chambers 
<P.A.Chambers at> wrote:

>> This is valid:         To: undisclosed recipients :;
>> This is not:           To: <undisclosed recipients>
> I would say that the former is not actually valid, though the syntax
> looks  correct. RFC2822 section 3.6.3 says that To:, Cc: and Bcc: must
> contain at  least one address. The above does not contain an address.

But this IS an address by definition.  RFC 2822 even shows it in an
example, namely the CC address in section A.1.3.  Sec 3.4 says,

address         =       mailbox / group

group           =       display-name ":" [mailbox-list / CFWS] ";"

   Because the list of mailboxes can be empty, using the group construct
   is also a simple way to communicate to recipients that the message
   was sent to one or more named sets of recipients, without actually
   providing the individual mailbox address for each of those

Joseph Brennan
Lead Email Systems Engineer
Columbia University Information Technology

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