Error creating mailboxex with an "&" inside

Alain Spineux aspineux at
Tue Feb 5 10:18:20 EST 2008

On Feb 5, 2008 12:57 PM, Toschi Pietro <Pietro.Toschi at> wrote:
> Hello everybody
> Apparently, cyrus-imapd does not support mailboxes with some letters inside
> the name. "&" is one of that. I have some mailboxes containing that symbol
> to be migrated from another server (SUN) but I always get an error.

To be more precise about two previous answer :

cyrus support any character in sub FOLDER name using modified UTF-7 encoding.
For example thunderbird allow you to create any sub folder, in any
language, mixing languages ...
BUT the inbox name has some restriction nably because of it use in
authentication process.
The GOODCHARS list in mboxname.c is one of them.

> Looking at the IMAP RFC it seems very complex to me to understand what
> characters are supported and how by the protocol. I wander if there is a way
> to make cyrus accept such mailboxes, for example using some sort of escape
> sequences, encoding rules or so.
> Do someone have a solution to this annoying problem?
> Bye
> Pietro
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Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
May the sources be with you

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