Sieve vacation function not working..

Torsten Schlabach tschlabach at
Mon Sep 17 06:51:35 EDT 2007

Hi Joseph,

it would indeed be helpful if you posted the relevant section of your 
sieve script. Nevertheless, two hints which might hopefully be useful:

1. Try to find out if anything in the chain between Sieve and your MTA 
might be the issue. The easiest way to do that is to try some rejecting 
with message or some forwarding as this will require Sieve to generate a 
new message and send it. In case that works, your Cyrus-MTA-Integration 
is probably not the problem. If that does not work either, check your 
MTA's log files for potential problems.

2. If you find out that it looks as if Sieve is not creating any 
vacation response message at all, do you have the :address parameter set 
up and set up correctly? This parameter is technically optional, but the 
default value when omitting that parameter is *not* a wildcard. In other 
words: A vacation setup without any :address parameter will never create 
a vacation response message at all. (I think this could become an FAQ.)


Joseph Silverman schrieb:
> ALL other sieve functions work as described.  Vacation simply doesn't  
> work - mail is delivered, but no response is sent out.  This is true  
> in multiple versions of cyrus:
> * OK HOST Cyrus IMAP4 v2.2.13-Mandriva-RPM-2.2.13-4mdv2007.1 server  
> ready
> * OK HOST Cyrus IMAP4 v2.2.12-Mandriva-RPM-2.2.12-15mdk server ready
> The one "caveat" is that we are using sendmail as our MTA.  I have  
> tested many sieve functions, they all seem to work except vacation.   
> And, yes, I always use a different from address to avoid the send- 
> once-every-n-days function.
> Is there something I am missing?  Obviously vacation works for some  
> folks out there.  But just as obviously, from googling for failures,  
> there are a substantial number of folks who can't or couldn't at the  
> time the messages were posted, get it to work.
> Thank you for your time! - Yossie
> Here are a few googled links reporting issues with sieve/vacation in  
> cyrus:
> vacation-does-not-go-1673174.html
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