Replication and single instance store

Bron Gondwana brong at
Mon Sep 3 18:02:28 EDT 2007

On Mon, Sep 03, 2007 at 05:36:15PM +0200, cyrus at wrote:
> Hello,
> With the latest 2.3.9 release, the rolling replication duplicates 
> correctly single instance store messages on the replica ( as many hard 
> links as recipients for the same message ).
> We have tried to re-initialize the replica: delete the mailstore and 
> make a manual replication of all users with sync_client (-u). But, the 
> user mode replication doesn't duplicate correctly single instance store 
> messages.
> Is there a way to re-create a "from scratch" replica with the single 
> instance store messages duplicated the correct way ?

If you can handle one huge sync process, create a file:

USER "$username"
USER "$username2"

for all the users across which the single instance store needs to 
apply, then run 'sync_client -r -f $file'.  Alternatively if most
of the single instance store messages are in one mailbox or just 
a few mailboxes you can do small files:

MAILBOX "user.$username.singleinstancemessagesmailbox"
MAILBOX "user.$username.another mailbox"
USER "$username2"

MAILBOX "user.$username.singleinstancemessagesmailbox"
MAILBOX "user.$username.another mailbox"
USER "$username3"


Basically, single instance store on the replica kicks in
whenever you mention the folder containing a message WITH
THE SAME UUID in the same sync run.  UUIDs are calculated
at initial delivery time (unless you're us, in which case
they're a truncated md5 digest of the message content.)
Creating files like this and passing them with the -f flag
forces sync_client to consider them in the same run, so it
"finds" the matching message on the replica.


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