running cyradm commands from a script

Michael Menge michael.menge at
Sat Oct 13 14:48:45 EDT 2007


with Cyradm is writen in perl and cyrus comes a perl packet you can use
to do all things you do with cyradm with perl.
Have a lock at  cyrus-imapd-2.3.8/perl/imap

perldoc Cyrus::IMAP             # imclient library
perldoc Cyrus::IMAP::Admin      # administrative library
perldoc Cyrus::IMAP::Shell      # cyradm shell

Quoting Jessi Berkelhammer <jberkelhammer at>:

> Hello.
> In order to automate some processes, I was hoping to run cyradm from a
> script. The O'Reilly "Managing IMAP" book specifies how cyradm can
> evaluate Tcl commands, by passing the 'file' option to cyradm. Old man
> pages for cyradm online also show the option to pass a file parameter.
> However, that isn't an option for 2.3.8, which we are running. Is there
> a way to do this, or something similar, with 2.3.8?
> Another option could be to have a script call cyradm with a list of
> commands to run, like:
> cyradm localhost < file_containing_cyradm_commands
> However, this is interactive & requires a password; is there a way to
> get around this so I can pass the cyradm commands directly from a script?
> Thank you,
> Jessi B.
> Downtown Emergency Service Center
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M.Menge                                 Tel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universitaet Tuebingen                  Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung          mail:  
michael.menge at
Waechterstrasse 76
72074 Tuebingen
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