LARGE single-system Cyrus installs?

Pascal Gienger Pascal.Gienger at
Fri Nov 16 01:39:43 EST 2007

Rob Mueller <robm at> wrote:

>> About 30% of all I/O is to mailboxes.db, most of which is read.  I
>> haven't personally deployed a split-meta configuration, but I
>> understand the meta files are similarly heavy I/O concentrators.
> That sounds odd.
> Given the size and "hotness" of mailboxes.db, and in most cases the size
> of  mailboxes.db compared to the memory your machine has, basically the
> OS  should end up caching the entire thing in memory.

Solaris 10 does this in my case. Via dtrace you'll see that open() on the 
mailboxes.db and read-calls do not exceed microsecond ranges. mailboxes.db 
is not the problem here. It is entirely cached and rarely written 
(creating, deleting and moving a mailbox).


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