Cyrus 2.2.10: autocreatequota?

Bernd Nies listuser at
Mon Mar 12 04:22:04 EST 2007

Hi Christos,

>   I would like make clear some points about the autocreate inbox 
> patch.       1. There is a patch for Cyrus 2.2.10.
>   2. If you have already created the mailbox through cyradm, the patch 
> will not be activated and thus will not set any quota on your mailbox.
>   3. The patch is activated when the user logs in through IMAP or POP3 
> and the mailbox does not exist (autocreatequota option must be > 0) or 
> if a mail is sent to a mailbox that does not exist through LMTP 
> (autocreatequota > 0 and createonpost = yes).
> For more information and detailed documentation about the patch, you can 
> fread 
> One final note is that the patch is not contained by default in the 
> cyrus distribution. Therefore, you will have to patch your cyrus sources 
> (patch can be downloaded from 
> or download Simon 
> Matter's RPM packages that contain the patch.
> I hope this mail cleared things out a bit.

Thanks for the info. Is this patch included in Cyrus 2.2.13? Didn't find 
it in the changelog.


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