IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

Jo Rhett jrhett at
Wed Jan 3 20:37:31 EST 2007

On Jan 3, 2007, at 9:20 AM, James Miller wrote:
> I have 2 users left on an OLD Cyrus installation I want to get off  
> and was
> hoping to use imapsync.  It seemed to work just fine except dates  
> of the
> messages from the old server to the new were not retained.  All of the
> messages have the date they were imported instead.  I ran imapsync  
> on the
> destination host, I wouldn't think that would make a difference -  
> does it
> matter?
> /usr/bin/imapsync --syncinternaldates --host1 --user1  
> bob \
> --noauthmd5 --passfile1 /tmp/secret1 --host2 -- 
> user2 bob \
> --noauthmd5 --passfile2 /tmp/secret2

You need the syncinternaldates.  Did you do a sync already without  
that option?  You need to toast the destination and resync it to get  
the dates fixed...

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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