Murder / frontend does not connect to backend

Andrew Morgan morgan at
Tue Apr 3 12:48:32 EDT 2007

On Tue, 3 Apr 2007, arnaud at wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm setting up a cyrus murder in a lab and I'm facing a problem.
> The architecture is quite simple : 1 frontend, 1 backend and a mupdate master
> We are using cyrus 2.2.13-10 on Debian etch.
> The Mupdate seems OK, I can LIST from everywhere. If I create a mailbox on the
> backend I can see it with mupdatetest on the frontend quickly.
> But I cannot make a single IMAP SELECT command on the frontend.
> This problem can be tracked  with cyradm.
> When I try to create a mailbox. I've this strange message and there is NO trafic
> between frontend and backend.  The same message arises when connecting with a
> IMAP client
> ----
> localhost> cm user.user1.tutu
> createmailbox: Server(s) unavailable to complete operation
> Log line associated :
> Mar 23 00:01:31 proxy1 cyrus/proxyd[12155]: connect(default) failed: Invalid
> argument
> ---
> But if I try to delete a mailbox I can see trafic between front and back
> servers.
> So my (maybe first) question is :
> Why there is no communication when connecting to IMAP ?
> What does mean "connect(default) failed: Invalid argument" in the log
> Everything I found was related to authentication but this does not seem an issue
> in my setup.
> Thanks in advance

In my experience, you cannot create a mailbox when connected to a frontend 
server.  Your environment with 1 backend makes it seem silly, but in the 
case with multiple backends you would need some way to specify where to 
create the mailbox.  In our case, our script randomly picks a backend, 
connects to it, and creates the mailbox.


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