master / slave replication (sync_server / sync_client)

Andy Fiddaman cyrus at
Wed Oct 4 15:12:38 EDT 2006

On Wed, 4 Oct 2006, Martin Schweizer wrote:

; Hello Andy
; Thank you for the hint. I change it as you desribed.
; Now after waiting some time I see no replication on both site. Is the
; firewall the problem (only open 2005/tcp)? Or what do I wrong again?
; Regards,
; Martin

Try telnet from the master to the slave on port 2005 - this checks that
syncserver is running ok (2005 is all you need through the firewall):

# telnet slave 2005
Connected to slave
Escape character is '^]'.
* OK Cyrus sync server v2.3.7

If it isn't running (connection refused) then make sure you're logging
debug messages (local6.debug in syslog.conf) and look to see what's wrong
- make sure you put csync in /etc/services

Try running sync_client manually on the master with verbose flag:
(as your Cyrus user)

% sync_client -r -v

Hopefully that will give a clue.


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