trashed databases after disk full situation

Daniel Eckl deckl at
Fri Jul 21 09:25:29 EDT 2006


Interesting way to recover. :)


Simon Matter schrieb:
>> Hi!
>> Recently I switched over to another mail host running the same software
>> (cyrus 2.2.12) and there was one broken seen database, too with a
>> similar error message.
>> I didn't find any possibility to recover this db. I had to delete it, too.
> %<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> From
> We have also seen skiplist corruption in seen databases.  I don't have a
> recovery tool, but I have been able to manually recover seen db's to the
> point of corruption so that at least most of the users mails are in the
> correct 'read' state.  Typically, you will see errors like:
> DBERROR: skiplist recovery /usr/local/imap/user/k/kdelaney.seen: 0D2C
> should be ADD or DELETE
> If you truncate the file at this point, it should fix the problem, and
> the users mail read state will be valid upto the point of corruption.
> To do this, convert the hex to decimal (above would be 1372) and use the
> dd command:
> dd if=kdelaney.seen of=kdelaney.seen.fixed bs=1 count=1372
> replace the corrupted .seen file with the fixed one and have user log in
> and should be ok.
> Seems to work on the couple I have tried it on.
> %<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>> I think skiplist is one of the most reliable databases, with berkeley db
>> I always has locking problems like these as you mentioned, slow service
>> startup and a lot of general fuss...
>> But can anyone shed light on how to recover a crashed skiplist file?
>> @Simon
>> I thought about searching the mailing list archives, too, but got major
>> problems:
>> The link below every mail
>> just gives 404.
>> The web/http links on
>> gives 404 either.
>> So there seem to be no archives I know of.
>> Is there an archive mirror anywhere?
>> It's kinda demoralizing to get an RTFM when the manual is gone for good...
> Make it "google and RTFM" :)
> Cheers,
> Simon
>> Thanks,
>> Daniel
>> Rodrigo Ventura schrieb:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I'm experiencing serious problems whenever there is an accidental disk
>>> full
>>> situation. I see two kinds of messages in syslog: the first one concerns
>>> the
>>> seen database, for instance:
>>> Jul 21 09:39:54 omni imap[1133]: DBERROR: skiplist
>>> recovery /etc/imap/user/m/mflorencio.seen: ADD at 1FB0 exists
>>> Jul 21 09:39:54 omni imap[1133]: DBERROR:
>>> opening /etc/imap/user/m/mflorencio.seen: cyrusdb error
>>> what happens is that all mails become unreadable forever... I have to
>>> delete
>>> rge seen database.
>>> the second one is, for instance:
>>> Jul 21 10:47:07 omni lmtpunix[27618]: DBERROR db3: 5 lockers
>>> what does it mean? is it possible to be expurious lock files? Please
>>> advise.
>>> The cyrus version is 2.2.13 configured with
>>> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/cyrus --with-duplicate-db=skiplist
>>> --with-sasl=/usr/local/cyrus --without-snmp
>>> Can I switch the database backends to more realiable ones?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Rodrigo
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