cyradm and cyrus administrator login
Simon Matter
simon.matter at
Tue Jul 11 01:24:13 EDT 2006
> I set up cyrus and cyradm with openldap so that users are authenticated
> using openldap, but I am unable to login as the root/cyrus user. I did not
> include this user in the ldap. Regular users have no problem logging in.
> But I need to use the cyrus user and cyradm to create the mailboxes. I
> thought having "admins: cyrus root" was enough in the imapd.conf file and
> generating the passwords, or do I need to add these users to ldap too?
> Thanks for any help.
You didn't tell us how you configured your cyrus-imapd to authenticate
against LDAP. Bus is sure is that you need an account for cyrus somewhere.
If you are using PAM and are using system accounts as a fallback, that's
fine. If you are using only LDAP, you have to create the cyrus account
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