The wellknown UIDL- Outlook - multiple messages download with pop3 problem

Reinhard Proessler uxn+cyruslist at
Tue Feb 21 10:27:28 EST 2006


In december 2005 was a thread about downloading multible messages
via pop3 with Outlook as email client. The reason for this problem
was a wrong or broken handling of MS Outlook with the UIDL of cyrus

Cyrus Imapd uses a UIDL with variable length (rfc conform) but Outlook
can not handle this variable length and starts over to download the 
message if it meets a point where the UIDL changes.

Well. The problem is caused by Outlook.
But I have to fix this problem, but I can not fix Outlook, you know.

Now my questions:

Has anybody out there already started to work on a patch for the cyrus
Are there any suggestions where to patch the (correct working) imapd|popd?

Hints and cooperations are welcome

    Reinhard Proessler 
::: Senator Lines/Hanjin Shipping
::: Coorporate IT

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