Batch mailbox creation

Andrew Morgan morgan at
Sun Feb 19 16:45:33 EST 2006

On Sun, 19 Feb 2006, Martin Weil wrote:

> Hi there!
> I am implementing Cyrus with MySQL authentication for about 1,000 users.
> I am looking for a technique to create mailboxes for every user with a batch 
> script. I read O'reillys "Managing Imap", and there is a batch script given, 
> but i think it was designed for versions prior to Cyrus 2. I doesn't work 
> with the perl version of cyradm.
> Is there any way to make it possible to create every mailbox that does not 
> currently exist?
> I know there are several scripts around and also that there is an autocreate 
> patch, but i am not really familiar with patching...
> I am running Debian Sarge and the Cyrus packages that are provided with it.
> If you need additional information, please tell me.

Have a look at the Cyrus wiki for this:

Also, I keep some of the Cyrus scripts I use online at:


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