Backups and Moving Mailboxes

Michael Menge Michael.Menge at
Fri Feb 17 05:31:52 EST 2006


I have some questions about Backups.

1. whiche files do i need to backup to restore a deleted eMail with all 
the Flags.

2. how do i restore a eMail with all the Flags

3. how do i move a Folder or all eMails in a folder with keeping all 
Flags. For excample user.test1.mbox -> user.test1

I know i can backup the eMails by copying the eMails under 
/var/spoo/imap/user/uid/* but copying them back and running reconstruct 
after the user has deleted them does not restore the flags even if i 
copy the files cyrus.cache cyrus.header cyrus.index

M.Menge                                 Tel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universitaet Tuebingen                  Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung          mail: menge at
Waechterstrasse 76
72074 Tuebingen
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