MD5-encrypted passwords in a SASL-SQL-database

Rudy Gevaert Rudy.Gevaert at
Thu Aug 10 10:13:24 EDT 2006

Haakon Gjersvik Eriksen wrote:
> Hello, everyone
> We're about to migrate a server from Courier-IMAP to Cyrus-IMAP. The 
> Courier-server autheticates via authdaemond to a MySQL-server, and the 
> passwords in the MySQL-server are MD5-encrypted.
> I can not get authentication to work with Cyrus and SASL (with the SQL 
> auxprop-plugin) with the encrypted passwords, only when the passwords 
> are in plaintext. The question is, is there something I've not 
> understood in how to configure Cyrus/SASL, or does the SQL 
> auxprop-plugin require all the passwords to be in plaintext?
> If it is not possible to have MD5-encrypted passwords, does anone have 
> any suggestions what we could do instead? Authenticate against Courier's 
> authdaemond, perhaps?

A way to use md5 encrypted passwords is to let saslauthd connect to pam 
and let pam connect to the mysql database.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Rudy Gevaert          Rudy.Gevaert at          tel:+32 9 264 4734
Directie ICT, afd. Infrastructuur  Direction ICT, Infrastructure dept.
Groep Systemen                     Systems group
Universiteit Gent                  Ghent University
Krijgslaan 281, gebouw S9, 9000 Gent, Belgie     
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

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